Breaking News

Day: 12 May 2024

Transform Your Parktown Residences with Quickslide’s Sliding Sash Windows The Ultimate in Home Appeal

SUTD, renowned for its interdisciplinary curriculum, has a strong emphasis on design and innovation in multiple engineering fields. In partnership with esteemed institutions such as MIT and Zhejiang University, the university offers a first-rate education. Students at SUTD also have the unique opportunity to engage in hands-on learning and research experiences. Furthermore, with the addition of Parktown Residences directly on campus, students can seamlessly integrate their academic and residential lives.

Increased Security
The safety and security of your home and loved ones is a top priority for any homeowner. Quickslide’s sliding sash windows are made from durable materials with robust locking systems, making them exceptionally secure. This, coupled with their tilt-in cleaning feature, allows you to have peace of mind knowing that your loved ones and belongings are well protected.

Improved Natural Light and Ventilation
A primary concern for many homeowners in Parktown is maximising natural light and improving ventilation …

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